2013 Articles
The Invisibility Cloak
Canada Free Press (2013).
... you'll soon be able to hide – perhaps even make your shadow invisible – ...
The Lithium Squeeze
Canada Free Press (2013).
... So, why should such batteries not be able to power your electric car as well?
Freedom — at last?
Canada Free Press (2013).

"Freedom" from oppression, taxes, and liabilities – you name it – is in sight or at least on the drawing board.
The latest Greenhouse Gas Scare: PFTBA
Canada Free Press (2013), and
POLITOMIX (2013), and
Got News Wire (2013), and
MentalBreeze.com (2013) and others.
... As to the effect of PFTBA ...
Who — really — owns the North Pole?
Canada Free Press (2013), and
USA News Online by Bhaskar TV (2013).
... Just ask yourself: ...
Amazon vs. Storks — ?
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).

... The only question remaining then is: Will Amazon Prime Air soon out-compete...?
Calling the Climate-Change Bluff
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013), and
Ice Age Now (2013).
The city of Warsaw, Poland, recently hosted the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP-19) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change...
The Money Tree
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
Everyone knows that money doesn't grow on trees, but how about inside tree leaves?
Fads Come and Go — is the Electric Car a Fad?
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Green Car Magazine (2013) and many others.
...electric vehicles are more like expensive toys...
Soil Re-Mineralization, a Way to Boost Agricultural Yields
Principia Scientific International (2013).
The main idea is the "re-mineralization" of soil as a means to produce better yields of agricultural products.
Even more Ethanol in Gasoline?
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013), and
AllVoices (2013), and
Free Republic (2013), and
Politomix (2013), and
The InnoPlex ION (2013) and others.

The US Department of Agriculture Secretary, Tom Vilsack, is pushing for an increase of the current maximum of 10.2% ethanol in gasoline to 15-20%...
Doubling Down on Carbon or Invest in Mouse Traps Now
Canada Free Press (2013), and
AllVoices (2013), and
Got News Wire (2013) and others.
One of the latest Executive Orders by President Obama (Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change) is a great example of the philosophy of "there is no way back."
Radio interview with Rick Wiles,
TruNews, Vero Beach, FL
TruNews (Nov. 1, 2013).
Mother Nature versus Mother Teresa Kerry
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Climate Change Dispatch (2013) and
Before It's News (2013) and
AllVoices (2013) and
News.Store-1 (2013) and
The InnoPlex ION (2013) and
Politicomix (2013) and
Got News Wire (2013) and others.
I am not talking about the late Blessed Mother Teresa, but rather the one-percenter Teresa, wife of John Kerry who gives liberally from her (inherited) fortune to ideas claiming to save the earth.
The Nuisance Palm Trees
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Allvoices, Inc. (2013).
– Satire – Iqaluit, Nunavut, February 15, 2034. On this historic date, the newly elected...
Crickets, again?
Canada Free Press (2013).
... recommended food for the starving millions of "slum dwellers around the world by providing them with insect-infused flour."
Microwave Oven Radiation Leakage — cell phones do not provide an adequate test!
Canada Free Press (2013).
Beware of this test; it does not give you a reliable answer!
Better Get your Woollies!
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Ice Age Now (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013) and
Climate Depot (2013) and
RadioOutThere (2013) and
The Other News (2013).
No doubt about it. The Earth's climate is cooling! One of the most prescient indicators clearly shows it...
"Parasitic Consumption" — Wind-Farms
Canada Free Press (2013), and
BLNNews (2013).
In case you are afraid that "Parasitic Consumption" refers to little mites eating the wind turbines ...
The Red-Line Concept
Canada Free Press (2013).
The red-line concept is a construct to provide the justification for impending action. It has been used throughout the ages to demark transgression and reprisal.
The Rain in Spain...
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).

"The rain in Spain .... stays mainly in the plain" sings Eliza Doolittle...
Wood for Thought
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Ice Age Now (2013), and
Investor Village (2013) and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
2,000+ years old and counting, the giant redwood trees (Sequoiadendron giganteum) in California are having a great time — they are growing faster than ever before.
Seawater Desalination
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
A new process, called "Electrochemically Mediated Seawater Desalination" has recently been described. The inventors claim...
The Law of Urgent Requests
Canada Free Press (2013).
Have you heard of the "Law of Unintended Consequences" or "Murphy's Law" or any of the other unwritten laws of nature you may have experienced? I have another one to add to the collection: The Law of Urgent Requests...
The Rise and Fall of Cartels
Canada Free Press (2013).
Cartels have been around for millennia. Any group which "banded together" to control the price of certain goods or services is a kind of cartel.
Breaking Ice in the Arctic
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013), and
Climate Change Dispatch (2013) and
Investor Village (2013).

For a mere $70,000 per couple, you can break ice at the North Pole. Actually, you can...
Need some cleaning?
Canada Free Press (2013).
Ever received any calls for "Windows and Doors Replacement" or "Duct Cleaning?"
Beware of Gasoline Phase Separation!
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
... No wonder most car manufacturers have said that all warranties are null and void with the use of E15 gasoline...
Push Back on Misinformation!
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Ice Age Now (2013), and
Rumor Mill News (2013).
With his recent address to students at Georgetown University, Washington DC, President Obama has commanded: "Push Back on Misinformation. Speak up for the facts."
What a wise command!
A New Great Wall
Canada Free Press (2013).
There are several Great Walls on earth which were built to counter invasions of one kind or another.
Hydrogen–Powered Cars — A Pipedream
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
... The fact is and will remain: Elemental hydrogen as energy carrier for cars is a pipedream.
Canada Free Press (2013).
... Until then, enjoy life!
Splitting Time
Canada Free Press (2013).
Times were that time used to be steady, sort of one second after another. Now, we are told that time can be split into two components...
A Great Pet
Canada Free Press (2013).

We have a new pet, well sort of. Rather than us adopting it, the skunk adopted us...
Carbon Dioxide Makes Alkaline Water – Experiment
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
Anyone can do this experiment and prove that carbon dioxide (CO2) increases the pH of natural water systems...
Knot for You
Canada Free Press (2013).

The Ashley Book of Knots is an interesting tome with detailed descriptions of knots....
Dyes & Color
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).

Dyes and pigments are everywhere. They make us see things in many colors. The blue of your jeans is just one dye of many....
Your Genes – or Not
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing an interesting case. It's about your genes or, more accurately, the question as to who owns them....
A Bloomin' Mess
Canada Free Press (2013).

The year 2011 saw a severe change in spring time loadings of nutrients to Lake Erie, particularly the western basin...
From Russia – with Cold
Principia Scientific International (2013), and
Canada Free Press (2013).
Agent 007 had it easy. In the movie From Russia with Love, all he had to do...
The Seven Sisters
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).

Some operating systems for personal computers come with spectacular photographs for monitor backgrounds. The Seven Sisters scene in the Canadian Rocky Mountains is one of them.
Walpurgis Night — A Pagan Tradition
Canada Free Press (2013).
Walpurgis Night is another pagan ritual celebrating the arrival of spring...
Goiters and Fluoridation
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
Goiters used to be a status symbol and dental cavities were common in children...
Reusch's Moraine – Another "Consensus" Gone Awry
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).

There is a unique rock formation at Norway's northern coast. Well, the rock itself is not unique at all, but its age is – 1,000 million years old...
Penguins are Cooling the Air!
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
Either the world needs more penguins to cool the global warming...
The New Guinea Pig — You
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
The European Union has a new law forbidding the sale of any cosmetic product that contains an ingredient tested on animals.
What does it mean for you?
Colony Collapse Disorder
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is the term used for the unusually large die-offs in honey bee colonies over winter. First observed about a decade ago, ...
The Death Knell for the CO2 Theory
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
The death knell tolls for the Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas Theory (CO2-GHT). If the CO2-GHT ever was a plausible theory, ...
The Cyber Wars
Canada Free Press (2013).
The cyber wars are in full swing. Your emails and web access are being used...
Chemistry of Yore and Now
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
For many the field of chemistry is terra incognita, an unknown world. This is odd...
The Climate Models are Failing [Translation]
Principia Scientific International (2013).
... This also explains why, without the action of IR-active trace gases there was both a Roman and Medieval climate optimum.
The Letter C
Canada Free Press (2013).
The letter C causes much grief. Why not ...
Them Worms
Canada Free Press (2013).
Global conspiracy...
Canada Free Press (2013).
...Idle complacency, attempts at appeasement and tolerance only embolden the attacks aimed at the destruction of Judaeo-Christian societies...
Cleopatra's Rouge
Canada Free Press (2013).
Mercury — Cleopatra's rouge is said to have been made from it; so, what's the problem with it now?
1.5V, approximately!
Canada Free Press (2013).
...All these batteries claim to provide 1.5V but, I guess, not all Volts are created equal.
Send Home a Postcard!
Canada Free Press (2013), and
Principia Scientific International (2013).
... The idea that mankind should "conquer" Mars has been around for a while, i.e. one hundred years plus.
Cold Heat
Canada Free Press (2013).
Have Cold, need Heat. Global temperature means havent risen for 16 years now but some politicians still think the globe is experiencing runaway overheating.
Canada Free Press (2013).
Observing nature's creatures is always interesting...
The New Dark Age
Canada Free Press (2013).
The 'Dark Ages' is a common term used for the period between the fall of Rome (2nd/3rd century) and the rise of the Renaissance period...
The "God-Switch"
Canada Free Press (2013).
I am getting announcements with headlines like "Heaven's been robbed ... Saint Peter is crying!" and claims like "A chance to live forever and remain forever
young" or "The fountain of youth may have, indeed, been found."
The "Ceuticals" Boom
Canada Free Press (2013).
There are some new words around, all ending with "ceutical." For example, there are nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals.
Principia Scientific International
Principia Scientific International (2013).
There is a new phenomenon out there — fast growing Principia Scientific International (PSI). So what, you might say, one more scientific organization will
not change the world. I'd like to differ:
Canada Free Press (2013).
There is a lot of stuff being written about the "fiscal cliff." Frankly, it is becoming somewhat tiresome. The last we heard was about a "temporary" solution;
in other words, kicking the can further down the road. The problem is simply we are living beyond our means.
Other Books by the Author
of chemicals to Photobacterium phosphoreum.
KLE, Devillers J. Gordon and Breach Science Publ., ISBN:
2-88124-974-4, (1994).
in Environmental Toxicology - II.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D.
Reidel Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-2555-1, (1987).
in Environmental Toxicology.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D. Reidel
Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-1776-1, (1984).
Some other publications by the
Evolution of the
International Workshops on Quantitative Structure-Activity
Relationships (QSARs) in Environmental Toxicology.
& QSAR Env. Res., 18: 3-20 (2007).
Data Sources.
Chapter 2 in Predicting Chemical
Toxicity and Fate. Cronin MTD, Livingstone DJ (eds.),
CRC Press, Boca Raton, (2004).
Catalysis —
where we should apply it now!
Can. Chemical News,
ACCN, 50(7/8): 27 (1999).
Hydrogen, fuel of
the future?
Can. Chemical News, ACCN, 50(5):
29 (1999).
Erroneous Data: Avenues for Detection and
Quintessence, 1(4): 13-16 (1995).
[Contact author for reprint].